Tree Care

Expert Tree Trimmer in Texas

Tree trimming or tree pruning, is one of the many tree care services that influence the health and appearance of a tree. At Chippers Tree Service in the Dallas Fort Worth Metro, each of our qualified arborists is an accomplished tree trimmer, capable of pruning your trees with skill and flair to boost their health and enhance their appearance.

Our trimming services include deadwood removal, removal of broken or diseased limbs, thinning of sucker growth, and balancing of the canopy. Your trees will definitely be much happier and healthier once one of our expert tree trimmers takes care of them.

Why Is Tree Pruning Necessary?

Pruning a tree with care and expertise is akin to an art form. Our expert arborists prune tree limbs not only to improve tree health but to also provide them an appealing visage. Pruning, when carried out with an accomplished hand, can help save a tree by removing diseased branches or limbs.

A critical part of a successful pruning job is to prevent the exposure of a tree’s cut areas to diseases and pests. The skillful arborists at Chippers Tree Service in Dallas-Ft. Worth TX are well-trained and know how to prune trees without clearing away excessive live foliage.

Trees are prone to get heavy over time if not maintained and are more susceptible to break with the accumulation of excess weight. Large branches and limbs can cause permanent damage to the tree when they break, with the tree unable to grow back in the same manner.

Is There a Right Season for Tree Trimming?

Most trees are dormant in the winter, with very little activity and much less leaf cover, allowing for much better visibility of their structure. We recommend pruning during the winter season as the trees have a better rate of recovery.

What Is the Right Way to Prune a Tree?

The goal of an arborist while trimming a tree is to make sure not to damage or split the trunk during limb removal. Our expert tree trimmers follow these three steps to prune a tree safely:

The Notch Cut

At the first stage of pruning a tree, our arborist targets the bottom of the limb, while ensuring that the distance between the cut and the trunk remains about three feet. The depth of the notch cut is roughly a quarter of the way through the limb.

The Relief Cut

In the next stage of pruning, the arborist will cut straight through the limb, just outside the initial notch cut. This is done to offset the weight of the limb so that the limb does not split and cause damage to the tree when our expert tree trimmer inflicts the final cut.

The Final Cut

The execution of the final cut determines the quality of a trimming job, as our trained arborist sets out to administer the final cut. While it’s critical to target the spot where the branch bark and the tree collar meet, the cut needs to follow the slant of the branch collar.

We at Chippers Tree Service, and our team of expert tree trimmers, care about the trees in Dallas, Fort Worth, and surrounding areas.

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